Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Judith Michael

Team Leader

Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen

+49 (241) 80-21323

Room 4305

Additionally, I am member of the supervisory board of the Lakeside Science & Technology Park GmbH in Klagenfurt, Austria.

Find more information on my Personal Website.


My research is focussing on software language engineering, the engineering of digital twins, and the model-driven software engineering of information and assistive systems using our generator for data-centric applications, MontiGem. I am experienced in the engineering of domain-specific languages (DSLs) for different application domains, and am convinced, that there exist various further areas where DSLs are helpful. We develop DSLs and methods for domains such as production, ambient assisted living, controlling and finances, smart homes, health, and Internet of Things (IoT). We have created tools using these DSLs as input for code synthesis of digital twins, information, and assistive systems, and they can be used during runtime of these applications.


  • MODELS 2022 practice and innovation track best reviewer award
  • Modellierung 2022 best paper award
  • ER Forum 2017 best paper award
  • Junior Fellow of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Germany, 2015

(Selected) Projects

Projects at RWTH Aachen University:

  • Project leader of MaCoCo (Management Cockpit for Controlling): A multi-user web-application for the decentralized management and controlling of organizational processes within the chairs or institutes of RWTH Aachen university (Founder: RWTH Aachen university)
  • InviDas: Interaktive, visuelle Datenräume zur souveränen, datenschutzrechtlichen Entscheidungsfindung. The aim of InviDas is to provide future and current users of smart wearables, such as fitness watches, better insight into their data profiles and help them to make informed decisions about sharing personal data more easily. (Founder: BMBF)
  • Internet of Production (IoP): Deputy Coordinator CRD-A.II (Conceptual Foundations of Digital Shadows). The Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production the vision to enable a new level of cross-domain collaboration by providing semantically adequate and context-aware data from production, development, and usage in real-time on an appropriate level of granularity.
  • SemanticDiff: A Semantic Approach to Evolution Analysis in Model-Based Software Development (Founder: DFG)

Projects at AAU: Since project start in 2011, I have been a team member of the Human Behavior Monitoring and Support (HBMS) project, where we have developed an assistive system for human behavior support (Founder: Klaus Tschira Stiftung, Heidelberg). See the video playlist for some insights and results.


My recent publications are focussing on software engineering, model-driven software engineering and software language engineering. I work on domain-specific languages, engineering digital twins, and MDSE for
information and assistive systems especially in the production, smart home, financial controlling, and IoT domain. Please see further publications in my Google scholar or Researchgate profile. For more publications of the Software Engineering group, please have a look at the prepared curated lists.

My PhD thesis at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Prof. Heinrich C. Mayr) was about cognitive modelling for assistive systems.

  1. [KJM+24]
    I. Koren, M. Jarke, J. Michael, M. Heithoff, L. Tacke Genannt Unterberg, M. Stachon, B. Rumpe, W. M. P. van der Aalst:
    In: Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling, H. van der Aa, D. Bork, R. Schmidt, A. Sturm (Eds.), pp. 275–290, Springer Nature Switzerland, May 2024.
  2. [BDMN+24]
    N. Baumann, J. S. Diaz, J. Michael, L. Netz, H. Nqiri, J. Reimer, B. Rumpe:
    In: Modellierung 2024 - Workshopband, H. Giese, K. Rosenthal (Eds.), pp. 1-15, GI, Mar. 2024.
  3. [NMR24]
    L. Netz, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Modellierung 2024, M. Weske, J. Michael (Eds.), pp. 179-195, LNI, GI, Mar. 2024.
  4. [KMR24]
    M. Konersmann, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Informing Possible Future Worlds. Essays in Honour of Ulrich Frank, pp. 247-269, Logos Verlag Berlin, Mar. 2024.
  5. [GLM+24]
    A. Gerasimov, P. Letmathe, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe:
    In: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - International Journal of Conceptual Modeling, Volume 19, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Feb. 2024.
  6. [MBWM24]
    J. Michael, D. Bork, M. Wimmer, H. C. Mayr:
    In: Journal Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), Volume 23(1), pp. 7-28, Springer, Feb. 2024.
  7. [MSW24]
    J. Michael, M. Schwammberger, A. Wortmann:
    In: IEEE Software, Volume 41(1), pp. 55-63, IEEE, Jan. 2024.
  8. [BGK+24]
    C. Buschhaus, A. Gerasimov, J. C. Kirchhof, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Stüber:
    In: Science of Computer Programming, Volume 232, pp. 103033, Jan. 2024.
  9. [HJK+23]
    M. Heithoff, N. Jansen, J. C. Kirchhof, J. Michael, F. Rademacher, B. Rumpe:
    In: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, pp. 194-207, SLE 2023, Association for Computing Machinery, Cascais, Portugal, Oct. 2023.
  10. [KJM+23]
    I. Koren, N. Jansen, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, E. Böse:
    In: Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms Workshop of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (LowCode), D. Di Ruscio, L. Lambers (Eds.), pp. 888-892, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 2023.
  11. [HKM+23]
    M. Heithoff, M. Konersmann, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, F. Steinfurth:
    In: Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins Workshop of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MoDDiT), D. Di Ruscio, L. Lambers (Eds.), pp. 470-478, IEEE, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 2023.
  12. [GKM+23]
    G. Gramelsberger, H. Kausch, J. Michael, F. Piller, F. Ponci, A. Praktiknjo, B. Rumpe, R. Sota, S. Venghaus:
    In: Models and Evolution Workshop Proceedings of the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (ME), D. Di Ruscio, L. Lambers (Eds.), pp. 964-968, IEEE, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 2023.
  13. [CJJ+23]
    B. Combemale, N. Jansen, J.- M. Jézéquel, J. Michael, Q. Perez, F. Rademacher, B. Rumpe, D. Vojtisek, A. Wortmann, J. Zhang:
    In: Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins Workshop of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MoDDiT), D. Di Ruscio, L. Lambers (Eds.), pp. 429-433, IEEE, Västerås, Sweden, Oct. 2023.
  14. [HHMR23]
    M. Heithoff, A. Hellwig, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: IEEE/ACM 7th Int. Workshop on Green And Sustainable Software (GREENS), P. Lago, R. Kazman (Eds.), pp. 19–23, IEEE, Jul. 2023.
  15. [MKD+23]
    J. Michael, I. Koren, I. Dimitriadis, J. Fulterer, A. Gannouni, M. Heithoff, A. Hermann, K. Hornberg, M. Kröger, P. Sapel, N. Schäfer, J. Theissen-Lipp, S. Decker, C. Hopmann, M. Jarke, B. Rumpe, R. H. Schmitt, G. Schuh:
    In: Internet of Production: Fundamentals, Applications and Proceedings, C. Brecher, G. Schuh, W. van der Aalst, M. Jarke, F. T. Piller, M. Padberg (Eds.), pp. 1–28, Springer, Jun. 2023.
  16. [Mic23]
    J. Michael:
    In: inf. - Das Informatik-Magazin, A. Resch, C. Winter, M. Koch, F. Nagel, J. Ludwig, L. Maercklin (Eds.), Band 1(2), pp. 12-17, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Jun. 2023.
  17. [FMR+23]
    K. Feichtinger, K. Meixner, F. Rinker, I. Koren, H. Eichelberger, T. Heinemann, J. Holtmann, M. Konersmann, J. Michael, E.- M. Neumann, J. Pfeiffer, R. Rabiser, M. Riebisch, K. Schmid:
    In: atp magazin, Volume 4, pp. 62-68, Vulkan-Verlag GmbH, Apr. 2023.
  18. [BBH+23]
    C. Buschhaus, A. Butting, S. Hillemacher, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Wearables und Individuelle Digitale Souveränität, E. Schauermann (Eds.), pp. 20-22, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Apr. 2023.
  19. [FHM+23]
    S. Fur, M. Heithoff, J. Michael, L. Netz, J. Pfeiffer, B. Rumpe, A. Wortmann:
    In: Digital Twin Driven Intelligent Systems and Emerging Metaverse, E. Karaarslan, Ö. Aydin, Ü. Cali, M. Challenger (Eds.), pp. 101-121, Springer Nature Singapore, Apr. 2023.
  20. [BMR+23]
    D. Bano, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, S. Varga, M. Weske:
    In: Software Engineering 2023, G. Engels, R. Hebig, M. Tichy (Eds.), pp. 33-34, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Jan. 2023.
  21. [BKK+22]
    A. Butting, J. C. Kirchhof, A. Kleiss, J. Michael, R. Orlov, B. Rumpe:
    In: Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 22), pp. 108-121, ACM, Dec. 2022.
  22. [DMM+22]
    I. Drave, J. Michael, E. Müller, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: Springer Nature Computer Science Journal, Volume 3, Art. 479, Springer, Nov. 2022.
  23. [MRSW22]
    J. Michael, B. Rumpe, J. Standt, U. Weber:
    GI Radar, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Oct. 2022.
  24. [BMR22]
    A. Butting, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Journal of Object Technology (JOT), Volume 21, pp. 4:1-13, AITO - Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets, Oct. 2022.
  25. [KMM+22]
    J. C. Kirchhof, L. Malcher, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, A. Wortmann:
    In: 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), pp. 374-381, IEEE, Sep. 2022.
  26. [FMR+22]
    K. Feichtinger, K. Meixner, F. Rinker, I. Koren, H. Eichelberger, T. Heinemann, J. Holtmann, M. Konersmann, J. Michael, E.- M. Neumann, J. Pfeiffer, R. Rabiser, M. Riebisch, K. Schmid:
    In: 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), IEEE, Sep. 2022.
  27. [KKM+22]
    J. C. Kirchhof, A. Kleiss, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, A. Wortmann:
    In: STAF 2022 Workshop Proceedings: 2nd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS 2022), Volume 3250, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Jul. 2022.
  28. [Mic22]
    J. Michael:
    In: Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, pp. 150-153, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Jul. 2022.
  29. [HMR22]
    M. Heithoff, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, pp. 142-146, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Jun. 2022.
  30. [CJMR22]
    J. Charles, N. Jansen, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Modellierung 2022, pp. 93-110, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Jun. 2022.
  31. [MNN+22]
    J. Michael, I. Nachmann, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Stüber:
    In: Modellierung 2022, pp. 33-48, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Jun. 2022.
  32. [BMR+22]
    D. Bano, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, S. Varga, M. Weske:
    In: Journal of Computer Languages (COLA), Volume 70, Art. 101121, Elsevier, Jun. 2022.
  33. [DHM+22]
    M. Dalibor, M. Heithoff, J. Michael, L. Netz, J. Pfeiffer, B. Rumpe, S. Varga, A. Wortmann:
    In: Journal of Computer Languages (COLA), Volume 70, Art. 101117, Elsevier, Jun. 2022.
  34. [MPRW22]
    J. Michael, J. Pfeiffer, B. Rumpe, A. Wortmann:
    In: 10th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems and Software Ecosystems, pp. 9-12, ACM, May 2022.
  35. [BCC+22]
    A. Butting, N. Conradie, J. Croll, M. Fehler, C. Gruber, D. Herrmann, A. Mertens, J. Michael, V. Nitsch, S. Nagel, S. Pütz, B. Rumpe, E. Schauermann, J. Schöning, C. Stellmacher, S. Theis:
    In: Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz : Gestaltungsoptionen für einen europäischen Weg, pp. 489-508, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Apr. 2022.
  36. [BDJ+22]
    P. Brauner, M. Dalibor, M. Jarke, I. Kunze, I. Koren, G. Lakemeyer, M. Liebenberg, J. Michael, J. Pennekamp, C. Quix, B. Rumpe, W. van der Aalst, K. Wehrle, A. Wortmann, M. Ziefle:
    In: Journal ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, Volume 3, pp. 1-32, ACM, Feb. 2022.
  37. [DGM+21]
    I. Drave, A. Gerasimov, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: Journal of Object Technology (JOT), A. Pierantonio (Eds.), Volume 20, pp. 1-24, AITO - Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets, Nov. 2021.
  38. [KMP+21]
    H. Kausch, J. Michael, M. Pfeiffer, D. Raco, B. Rumpe, A. Schweiger:
    In: Aerospace Europe Conference 2021 (AEC 2021), Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS), Nov. 2021.
  39. [MRZ21]
    J. Michael, B. Rumpe, L. T. Zimmermann:
    In: Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), pp. 370-379, ACM/IEEE, Oct. 2021.
  40. [BHK+21]
    T. Brockhoff, M. Heithoff, I. Koren, J. Michael, J. Pfeiffer, B. Rumpe, M. S. Uysal, W. M. P. van der Aalst, A. Wortmann:
    In: Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), pp. 182-187, ACM/IEEE, Oct. 2021.
  41. [BBD+21b]
    F. Becker, P. Bibow, M. Dalibor, A. Gannouni, V. Hahn, C. Hopmann, M. Jarke, I. Koren, M. Kröger, J. Lipp, J. Maibaum, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, P. Sapel, N. Schäfer, G. J. Schmitz, G. Schuh, A. Wortmann:
    In: Conceptual Modeling, ER 2021, A. Ghose, J. Horkoff, V. E. Silva Souza, J. Parsons, J. Evermann (Eds.), pp. 271-281, Springer, Oct. 2021.
  42. [MW21]
    J. Michael, A. Wortmann:
    In: Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems, pp. 333-341, Springer International Publishing, Sep. 2021.
  43. [RMK+21]
    B. Rumpe, J. Michael, O. Kautz, R. Krebs, S. Gandenberger, J. Standt, U. Weber:
    Volume 19, Berichte des NEGZ, Nationales E-Government Kompetenzzentrum e. V., Jun. 2021.
  44. [GMNR21]
    A. Gerasimov, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe:
    In: Modelling to Program (M2P), A. Dahanayake, O. Pastor, B. Thalheim (Eds.), pp. 113-126, Springer, Mar. 2021.
  45. [DMR+20]
    M. Dalibor, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, S. Varga, A. Wortmann:
    In: Conceptual Modeling, G. Dobbie, U. Frank, G. Kappel, S. W. Liddle, H. C. Mayr (Eds.), pp. 377-387, Springer International Publishing, Oct. 2020.
  46. [KMR+20]
    J. C. Kirchhof, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, S. Varga, A. Wortmann:
    In: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pp. 90-101, ACM, Oct. 2020.
  47. [GMN+20]
    A. Gerasimov, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020), B. Anderson, J. Thatcher, R. Meservy (Eds.), pp. 1-10, AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), Association for Information Systems (AIS), Aug. 2020.
  48. [KMR20]
    J. C. Kirchhof, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: ENERGIEWENDEBAUEN - Forschungserkenntnisse von der Komponente bis zum Quartier, pp. 273-279, ISBN 978-3-948234-88-1, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Jul. 2020.
  49. [MRV20]
    J. Michael, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMSIA 2020), A. Koschmider, J. Michael, B. Thalheim (Eds.), Volume 2628, pp. 11-18, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Jun. 2020.
  50. [DKMR20]
    I. Drave, O. Kautz, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    RWTH Aachen University, AIB-2020-05, Technical Report, May 2020.
  51. [AMN+20b]
    K. Adam, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: 40 Years EMISA: Digital Ecosystems of the Future: Methodology, Techniques and Applications (EMISA’19), Volume P-304, pp. 183-188, LNI, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., May 2020.
  52. [AMN+20a]
    K. Adam, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: 40 Years EMISA: Digital Ecosystems of the Future: Methodology, Techniques and Applications (EMISA’19), Volume P-304, pp. 59-66, LNI, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., May 2020.
  53. [DHH+20]
    I. Drave, T. Henrich, K. Hölldobler, O. Kautz, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: Modellierung 2020, D. Bork, D. Karagiannis, H. C. Mayr (Eds.), pp. 173-188, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Feb. 2020.
  54. [GHK+20]
    A. Gerasimov, P. Heuser, H. Ketteniß, P. Letmathe, J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: Companion Proceedings of Modellierung 2020 Short, Workshop and Tools & Demo Papers, J. Michael, D. Bork (Eds.), pp. 22-30, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Feb. 2020.
  55. [SM20]
    C. Steinberger, J. Michael:
    In: Smart Assisted Living: Toward An Open Smart-Home Infrastructure, pp. 227-246, Computer Communications and Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  56. [MKB+19]
    F. Mannhardt, A. Koschmider, N. Baracaldo, M. Weidlich, J. Michael:
    In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, M. Jarke, B. Otto, S. Ram (Eds.), Volume 61(5), pp. 1-20, Springer, Oct. 2019.
  57. [MNRV19]
    J. Michael, L. Netz, B. Rumpe, S. Varga:
    In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MDE4IoT, N. Ferry, A. Cicchetti, F. Ciccozzi, A. Solberg, M. Wimmer, A. Wortmann (Eds.), pp. 595-614, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Sep. 2019.
  58. [DKMR19]
    I. Drave, O. Kautz, J. Michael, B. Rumpe:
    In: International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC’19), T. Berger, P. Collet, L. Duchien, T. Fogdal, P. Heymans, T. Kehrer, J. Martinez, R. Mazo, L. Montalvillo, C. Salinesi, X. Tërnava, T. Thüm, T. Ziadi (Eds.), pp. 245-255, ACM, Sep. 2019.
  59. [HMR+19]
    K. Hölldobler, J. Michael, J. O. Ringert, B. Rumpe, A. Wortmann:
    In: Journal of Object Technology (JOT), A. Pierantonio, M. van den Brand, B. Combemale (Eds.), Volume 18(1), pp. 1-60, AITO - Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets, Jul. 2019.
  60. [MKM+19]
    J. Michael, A. Koschmider, F. Mannhardt, N. Baracaldo, B. Rumpe:
    In: Proceedings of CAiSE Forum 2019: Information Systems Engineering in Responsible Information Systems, C. Cappiello, M. Ruiz (Eds.), pp. 194-206, Springer, Jun. 2019.
  61. [DJM+19]
    M. Dalibor, N. Jansen, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, A. Wortmann:
    In: Antriebstechnisches Kolloquium 2019: Tagungsband zur Konferenz, G. Jacobs, J. Marheineke (Eds.), pp. 121-133, Books on Demand, Feb. 2019.
  62. [SM18]
    C. Steinberger, J. Michael:
    In: EMISA Forum, Volume 38(1), pp. 35-36, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Nov. 2018.
  63. [SRMM18]
    V. A. Shekhovtsov, S. Ranasinghe, H. C. Mayr, J. Michael:
    In: Advances in Conceptual Modeling Workshops (ER’18), pp. 330-340, Springer International Publishing, Nov. 2018.
  64. [ANV+18]
    K. Adam, L. Netz, S. Varga, J. Michael, B. Rumpe, P. Heuser, P. Letmathe:
    In: Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA’18), M. Fellmann, K. Sandkuhl (Eds.), Volume 2097, pp. 75-79, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, May 2018.
  65. [MMS+18]
    H. C. Mayr, J. Michael, V. A. Shekhovtsov, S. Ranasinghe, C. Steinberger:
    In: Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA’18), M. Fellmann, K. Sandkuhl (Eds.), Volume 2097, pp. 58-64, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS.org, May 2018.
  66. [SM18a]
    C. Steinberger, J. Michael:
    In: International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops 2018), pp. 687-692, IEEE, Mar. 2018.
  67. [MSS+18]
    J. Michael, C. Steinberger, V. A. Shekhovtsov, F. Al Machot, S. Ranasinghe, G. Morak:
    In: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - International Journal of Conceptual Modeling, Volume 13, pp. 345-370, Feb. 2018.
  68. [MMR+17]
    H. C. Mayr, J. Michael, S. Ranasinghe, V. A. Shekhovtsov, C. Steinberger:
    In: Conceptual Modeling Perspectives, pp. 85-104, ISBN 978-3-319-67271-7, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
  69. [MS17]
    J. Michael, C. Steinberger:
    In: Proc. of the ER Forum 2017 and the ER 2017 Demo Track co-located with the 36th Int. Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2017), C. Cabanillas, S. España, S. Farshidi (Eds.), pp. 221-234, 2017.
  70. [MM15]
    J. Michael, H. C. Mayr:
    In: International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer2015), pp. 119-124, IEEE, 2015.
  71. [MM13]
    J. Michael, H. C. Mayr:
    In: Conceptual Modeling - ER 2013, Volume 8217, pp. 403-413, LNCS, ISBN 978-3-642-41923-2, Springer, 2013.