Model-Driven Dashboards for the Asset Administration Shell
The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is becoming the de facto standard for collecting and organizing information (models, documents, data) about cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs). Prime duty of AAS models is the representation of static and dynamic information about a CPPS. The static information often is represented through models (e.g., SysML) whereas the dynamic information often is represented in form a dashboard that illustrates the current values observed from the CPPS according to the data types specified in the AAS.

The visualization of these values often demands creating suitable (web-based) dashboards manually. This is costly and prone to errors. From the information available in an AAS, such dashboards could be automatically derived using code generators or model transformations. As the data model of the AAS itself is object oriented, this thesis shall investigate (a) how the information from an AAS can be translated into UML class diagrams, such that the corresponding dashboard can be generated by the MontiGem toolchain, and (b) use AAS information about the connection of the CPPS (most likely via OPC UA) to connect the generated dashboard to the real CPPS.
- Understand the AAS metamodel
- Translate AAS models to UML/P CD4A class diagram models
- Automatically generate dashboards for the information represented in these models using MontiGem
- Devise a method to leverage OPC UA information models to connect the generated dashboard to the real CPPS
Your profile
- Pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science, or closely related field
- Experience in object-oriented programming with Java
- Independent working style
- Passion for development of complex applications
- Good written and oral communication skills of German or English
- (Desirable) Lecture Model-based Software Engineering/ Model-based Systems Engineering
Knowledge Gain
- State-of-the-Art industrial modeling techniques (AAS, OPC UA)
- Full-stack model-driven application development
- Experience in performing original scientific work
- Comprehensive and individual support
Contact persons
Interested in the topic? Find out more with our publications about our current research on digital shadows and digital twins.
For more information please contact us with your application documents to Malte Heithoff (Mail: or Judith Michael (Mail:
Task definition:
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe
Lehrstuhl Software Engineering
Ahornstr. 55
52074 Aachen