Dipl.-Inform. Dr. Lars Hermerschmidt

Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21301
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21301
Research Interests:
- Security Modelling
- Model-Driven Engineering
- Application Security
- Security Audit and Penetration Testing
[Her19]Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering, Band 41, ISBN 978-3-8440-6707-1, Shaker Verlag, Jun. 2019.
[BHH+17]In: European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA’17), pp. 53-70, LNCS 10376, Springer, Jul. 2017.
[HHK+15a]In: Journal Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 56, pp. 701-718, Elsevier, 2015.
[HHR+15]In: Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Component-Based Software Systems (ModComp’15), Volume 1463, pp. 18-23, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2015.
[HKR15]In: Security and Privacy Workshops, pp. 134-141, IEEE, 2015.
[HHK+14]In: Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud’14), IEEE, 2014.
[EHH+13]RWTH Aachen, Technical Report, AIB-2013-13, Oct. 2013.
[HPR13]In: Workshop Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Trusted Cloud Initiative, pp. 125-140, Springer, Schweiz, 2013.