Dr. rer. nat. Evgeny Kusmenko

Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21342
Room 4220
Department of Computer Science 3
RWTH Aachen University
Ahornstraße 55
D-52074 Aachen
+49 (241) 80-21342
Room 4220
Field of Work:
- Automotive
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Machine Learning and Data Science
- Robotics
- Software Architectures
[KKK+24]In: Cooperatively Interacting Vehicles: Methods and Effects of Automated Cooperation in Traffic, C. Stiller, M. Althoff, C. Burger, B. Deml, L. Eckstein, F. Flemisch (Eds.), pp. 347–412, ISBN 978-3-031-60494-2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-60494-2_13, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Aug. 2024.
[HHKR23]In: 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), pp. 2634-2639, DOI 10.1109/ITSC57777.2023.10422118, IEEE, Sep. 2023.
[BKK+23]In: IEEE 31st International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE), K. Schneider, F. Dalpiaz, J. Horkoff (Eds.), pp. 212-222, DOI 10.1109/RE57278.2023.00029, ACM/IEEE, Sep. 2023.
[KMNR22]In: Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 22), pp. 95-107, ACM, Dec. 2022.
[BBK+22b]In: International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE’22), pp. 260-265, ACM, Dec. 2022.
[BBK+22a]Art. 2211.09084, arXiv, Nov. 2022.
[BKR+22]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2022. Workshop MDE Intelligence, pp. 359 - 366, ACM, Oct. 2022.
[KKR+22a]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2022. Workshop MDE Intelligence, pp. 380-387, ACM, Oct. 2022.
[HKK+22]In: 2022 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’22), pp. 16-21, IEEE, Jun. 2022.
[Kus21]Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering, Band 49, ISBN 978-3-8440-8286-9, Shaker Verlag, Nov. 2021.
[HKR21a]In: Companion Proceedings of MODELS 2021. Workshop MoDeVVa, S. Bin Abid, R. Oliveira, I. Ober (Eds.), pp. 264-273, ACM/IEEE, Oct. 2021.
[AKK+21]In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE 21), E. Tilevich, C. De Roover (Eds.), pp. 55-68, ACM, Oct. 2021.
[KPRS19]In: ASE19. Software Engineering Intelligence Workshop (SEI19), L. O’Conner (Eds.), pp. 126-133, DOI 10.1109/ASEW.2019.00042, IEEE, Nov. 2019.
[KNP+19]In: Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS’19), M. Kessentini, T. Yue, A. Pretschner, S. Voss, L. Burgueño (Eds.), pp. 283-293, IEEE, Sep. 2019.
[GKR19]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MDE Intelligence, L. Burgueño, A. Pretschner, S. Voss, M. Chaudron, J. Kienzle, M. Völter, S. Gérard, M. Zahedi, E. Bousse, A. Rensink, F. Polack, G. Engels, G. Kappel (Eds.), pp. 196-202, Sep. 2019.
[KKRZ19]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MASE, L. Burgueño, A. Pretschner, S. Voss, M. Chaudron, J. Kienzle, M. Völter, S. Gérard, M. Zahedi, E. Bousse, A. Rensink, F. Polack, G. Engels, G. Kappel (Eds.), pp. 28-37, IEEE, Sep. 2019.
[KKMR19]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2019. Workshop MLE, L. Burgueño, A. Pretschner, S. Voss, M. Chaudron, J. Kienzle, M. Völter, S. Gérard, M. Zahedi, E. Bousse, A. Rensink, F. Polack, G. Engels, G. Kappel (Eds.), pp. 331-338, IEEE, Sep. 2019.
[KKR19]In: Journal of Object Technology (JOT), B. Combemale, S. Ali (Eds.), Volume 18(2), pp. 1-20, DOI 10.5381/jot.2019.18.2.a2, AITO - Association Internationale pour les Technologies Objets, Jul. 2019.
[HKKR19]In: 30th Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’19). Workshop on Cooperative Interactive Vehicles, pp. 146-151, IEEE, Jun. 2019.
[KKRS19]In: 30th Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV’19). Workshop on Unsupervised Learning for Automated Driving, pp. 246-251, IEEE, Jun. 2019.
[DGH+19]In: Journal on Software: Practice and Experience, R. Buyya, J. Bishop, K. Cooper, R. Jonas, A. Poggi, S. Srirama (Eds.), Volume 49(2), pp. 301-328, Wiley Online Library, Feb. 2019.
[KRS+18a]In: Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS’18), pp. 447 - 457, ACM, Oct. 2018.
[KRR+18]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2018. Workshop EXE, Oct. 2018.
[KRS+18b]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2018. Workshop ModComp, Oct. 2018.
[BKL+18]In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control (ISCSIC’18), ACM, Sep. 2018.
[KKR+18]In: Tagungsband des Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme XIV (MBEES’18), Univ. Hamburg, Apr. 2018.
[KSRW18]In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD’18), pp. 256 - 267, SciTePress, Jan. 2018.
[HKK+18]In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD’18), pp. 163 - 178, SciTePress, Jan. 2018.
[FIK+18]In: International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC’18), pp. 596-601, IEEE, 2018.
[GKR+17]In: Proceedings of MODELS 2017. Workshop EXE, CEUR 2019, Sep. 2017.
[KRRW17]In: European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA’17), pp. 34-50, LNCS 10376, Springer, Jul. 2017.
[DDE+17]RapidCoop - Robuste Architektur durch geeignete Paradigmen für Kooperativ Interagierende Automobile.In: Automatisiertes und Vernetztes Fahren (AAET’17), Feb. 2017.
Supervised Bachelor/Master Theses:
- Fuß, Christian: Modellbasierte Image Caption Generation unter Anwendung von Attention-Mechanismen in EmbeddedMontiArcDL (MA), 2019
- Gatto, Nicola: Modeling and Training of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Architectures for Cyber-Physical Systems (MA), 2019
- Haala, Henk: Consistency Checks of Component and Connector Reconfigurations based on EmbeddedMontiArc Dynamics (BA), 2019
- Harputlu, Eyüp: Modellierung und Generierung des Trainings von tiefen neuronalen Netzwerkarchitekturen (BA), 2019
- Trotta, Danilo: Visualisierungs-Aspekte einer autonomen Fahrzeug-Simulation (BA), 2019
- Cam, Ebru: 3D-Visualisierung von Fahrzeugsimulation auf Basis von OpenStreetMap (BA), 2019
- Porta, Pascal Maurice: A Modeling Framework for the Continuous Simulation of Self-Driving Vehicles (BA), 2019
- Kaminski, Nils: Dynamische Verhaltensaktivierung in Komponenten- und Konnektor-Modellen (MA), 2019
- An Application Layer Protocol for Cooperative Driving (MA), 2019
- Zhang, Hengwen: A Distributed Simulator Architecture based on MontiSim (BA), 2019
- Bauer, Markus: Modeling Controllers for Cooperatively Interacting Vehicles (BA), 2019
- Meurice, Jean: Simulation of Hardware and Controller Execution in Au-tomotive Systems (BA), 2019
- Yeverino Rodriguez, Carlos Alfredo: Multi-Target Code Generation and Training of Deep Learning Networks for Autonomous Driving (MA), 2019
- Mönckemeyer, Felix: Model-based development of a distributed trajectory planning system for autonomous vehicles (BA), 2018
- Rexhepi, Bardh: Time Series Analysis and Prediction for Automotive Diagnosis (MA), 2018
- Jansen, Marvin: A Product Line for Simulator-Coupling in MontiSim (BA), 2018
- von Oy, Christoph: Modeling and Co-Simulation of Physical Vehicle Behavior (BA), 2018
- Pavlitskaya, Svetlana: Integration of Deep Learning Components into Autonomous Driving Architectures (MA), 2018
- Richter, Christoph: Model-predictive Trajectory Control and Simulation for Self-driving Vehicles (MA), 2018
- Timmermanns, Thomas: Modelling Languages for Deep Learning based Cyber-Physical Systems (MA), 2018
- Hellwig, Alexander: Modeling and Simulation of Cooperative Vehicles with MontiCAR and the ROS Simulation Framework (BA), 2018
- Napiorkowski, Sebastian: Leveraging Process Mining for Error Sequence Detection (MA), 2018
- Schmidt, Deniz: Model driven development of configurable vehicle simulations (BA), 2018
- Ilov, Petyo: Software architecture of distributed multi-user simulation of autonomously driving vehicles (MA), 2018
- Ryndin, Alexander: Modelling of Component-and-Connector Architectures for Autonomous Vehicles (MA), 2018
- Dao, Hoai: Similarity Measures for Categorical and Mixed Data (MA), 2018
- Schultz, Martin: Modelling dynamic Architectures for cooperative Vehicles (MA), 2018
- Martini, Melanie: Comparison of visualization techniques for high dimensional data (BA), 2018
- Dalgic, Baran: C&C Modellierung autonomen Fahrverhaltens und Simulation in Gazebo (BA), 2017
- Atouani, Abdallah: ROS basierte Simulation von C2C Kommunikation (BA), 2017
- Görick, Philipp: Matrix Properties in Type Systems of Component and Connector Based Languages (BA), 2017
- Schnackenberg, Alexander: Event-based Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component and Connector Architectures (BA), 2017
- Tabone, Luca: Architectures for Data Science Automation (MA), 2017
- Lorang, Mike: Model-based design and simulation of autonomous vehicle controllers (BA), 2017
- Scheidt, Leon: Qualitätsmaße für Clustering-Performance-Evaluation (BA), 2017
- Frohn, Christian: Simulation and Modeling of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Autonomously Driving Vehicles (MA), 2017
- Sema, Albi: Software Architectures for Deep Learning based Autonomous Driving (MA), 2017